The Bicaz Gorges

This is one of Romania's most stunning and outstanding natural attractions. The Bicazului Gorges, as one of the few existent routes between Moldova and Transylvania, provide a wonderful show for cars and visitors to the area.

The Bicaz Gorges have been there for thousands of years. They formed as we know them today thanks to particular geological circumstances in the Hasmas mountain. The massif is mostly formed of limestone and other soluble rocks, allowing the Bicaz River to burrow for hundreds of thousands of years until it crossed them, forming a tiny valley between the towering massifs.

Thus, travellers may observe the Altar Stone (1120 m) or the Pintestilor Stone (847 m). Tourists may experience majestic massifs with various waterfalls, as well as caves and pits.

The towering white hills on both sides of Bicaz, intermingled with diverse types of trees, give the impression that they would collapse at any time, especially due to the severe turns.

There is ample space to park several automobiles in various spots, and there are several souvenir kiosks. Tourists frequently stop here to take photographs or simply to get a better view of the scenery.

Rural tourism is well established in the area, with various villas and cottages offering affordable lodging.

Travel offers for The Bicaz Gorges

We offer all types of tours to suit all ages, budgets and personalities: cultural, adventure, thematic, already settled or tailored tours. We offer you a full range of touristic services as transportation, airport - hotel transfers, accommodations, guides, drivers, rental cars, flight tickets, meals reservations, sports events or concerts tickets.