Sturdza Castle

The Sturdza Palace, also known as Sturdza Castle, is a captivating historic monument located in the village of Miclauseni, nestled in Iasi County, Romania. The current castle, a historical monument of Gothic art, was built between 1880 and 1904 by George A. Sturza and his wife Maria on the site of an old mansion from 1755 (of which they still kept a few rooms and the attestation inscription ).

Most of the exterior decorations of the castle take up details from the coat of arms of the Sturze people, to which is added the emblem of the castellan George A. Sturza, inspired by the icon of Saint George (the same emblem also appears on the marble slab of the castellan's tomb, located to the left of the church).

Inside, the ceilings and walls were painted in tempera, with geometric and floral motifs, under the direction of the architect Reinecke from Iasi. Much of the furniture, doors and windows were carved from rosewood. Marble was brought from Dalmatia for the central staircase, and carved and painted terracotta was used for the stoves.

The castle has a vast library and several collections: the collection of weapons and complete medieval costumes, for horse and rider, from the 16th century . (disappeared);  jewelry collection (missing); Museum Familiarum, which contained rare archaeological, numismatic and epigraphic pieces (after 1944, only a few tombstones, inscriptions and a royal coat of arms remained) and  a collection of Carrara marble busts and old oil paintings, representing ancestors of the Sturza families (disappeared after 1945).

The castle can be visited according to the following schedule:

During the winter period (November 1 - April 1), Sturdza Castle can only be visited on Saturdays and Sundays (12 - 17).
Visitors can enter the Castle at fixed times (12, 13, 14,...) with an accompanying guide.
Monday - closed
Tuesday - Friday - closed
Saturday, Sunday and on religious holidays: 12 - 17

Travel offers for Sturdza Castle

We offer all types of tours to suit all ages, budgets and personalities: cultural, adventure, thematic, already settled or tailored tours. We offer you a full range of touristic services as transportation, airport - hotel transfers, accommodations, guides, drivers, rental cars, flight tickets, meals reservations, sports events or concerts tickets.