Plopis Church

In the village of Plopis, Maramures County, there is a Romanian Orthodox church called the Plopis church (known as the Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel). It is one of the eight structures that make up the Maramures Wooden Churches UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built between 1796 and 1798 by its villagers. The church experienced various restorations over the years, including repairs and the building of a balcony in 1901, a local authority restoration in 1961, wall painting in 1981, and a final renovation between 1990 and 1991. The church is only 17 m long, 7 m wide, and 47 m tall, yet it makes an impression with its lavish exterior decorations and interior paintings and icons. The two rows of windows and the vaulted roof, which is unique in Maramures, are just two of the church's distinctive characteristics. The single church in Plopis is still made of wood, and it is still routinely utilised for all of the community's religious events.

Although it is small in size, the amazing church in Plopis shows a special sense of proportions, which is why some researchers consider it to be the most unified and well-balanced wooden church in Maramures.

It is quite a remote acces, being situated in the far north of the country, but a cultural tour will surely take you there too!

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