Mocanita Maramures

One of the two last Carpathian Forestry Railways - A journey back in time!

When travelling with the Mocanita traib up the valley, one should keep in mind that this is like a journey back in time: after leaving the Viseu station there is no cell phone signal, and any contact with the modern times is lost.

It all starts at the Viseu de Sus railway station. Since this is not a regular railway station, but a forestry station, there are no passenger platforms. The place looks more like a lumberyard than a railway station, smelling of freshly cut wood. 

Very early in the morning the train is made ready for the day’s trip. Both the tourist wagons and the forestry wagons are attached to the steam locomotive, wood and water provisions are made – they are the fuel of the steam engine – and the mechanic starts the engine. After some time off, the train starts with a long whistle, puffing along the way. 

Following the cascading river, the train first passes among the houses of Viseu de Sus. Then, after about seven kilometres, the tracks start to go deep into the wild forest, passing among the steep cliffs of the gorge, and penetrating the mountains through dark tunnels.

The silence of the nature is broken not only by the on-rushing tumultuous river and the puffs and hisses of the train, but from time to time also by the sharp whistles of the locomotive. The train creeps slowly up the abrupt slopes and often gives the impression that it can no longer advance and that the steam power is not sufficient. However, it manages to continue the journey and carry the tourists to picturesque places. 

The train has a few stops along the way where you can take pictures or take something to eat.

A ticket for a ride is 18 EUR or 28 EUR if you also want food and beverage included.

Travel offers for Mocanita Maramures

We offer all types of tours to suit all ages, budgets and personalities: cultural, adventure, thematic, already settled or tailored tours.

We offer you a full range of touristic services as transportation, airport - hotel transfers, accommodations, guides, drivers, rental cars, flight tickets, meals reservations, sports events or concerts tickets.

We handle groups and individuals.