Gărâna Jazz

Gărâna Jazz event (Romanian: Festivalul de jazz de la Gărâna) is a four-day music event held in Gărâna, southern Romania, in July.

The Festival began in 1996 and has helped to improve the prominence of Gărâna, a little community in the Western Carpathians.

The Gărâna Jazz Festival, the most significant open-air jazz festival in Central and Eastern Europe, took place this year from July 6 to 9.

Artists came from all across the world, including Marcin Pater Trio, Leszek Możdżer, Blazzaj, Paul Zauner Quartet, Marquiz Noir, David Helbock & Camille Bertault, Nguyên Lê and many more.

Travel offers for Gărâna Jazz

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