Dino Parc Rasnov

The largest dinosaur park in South-Eastern Europe and an outdoor museum, Dino Parc Rasnov opened its doors in 2015. It is situated in the county of Brasov in Transylvania, near the city of Rasnov, in the centre of Romania.

The park, which is accessible all year round, exhibits dinosaurs in an environment that simulates an open world and recreates the conditions in which they existed tens or even hundreds of millions of years ago.

Rasnov is like a location from prehistory where dinosaurs are hiding in the forest, waiting for you to uncover and enjoy them.

The dinosaurs are arranged in order of their chronology. A visit to Dino Park basically represents a journey back 350 million years. Each dinosaur has its own specific plaque on which visitors may read information about its life period, diet, enemies, and physical characteristics, such as weight.

The park has a remarkable 120-dinosaur trail in along with playgrounds for kids, treehouses with science exhibitions, a 9D and 360° theatre, adventure routes, a zipline, a laser maze, a soundbox, one-of-a-kind exhibits, and other interactive areas.

An exact copy of Hatzegopteryx thambema, the largest bird in the world that could circle the globe nonstop, as well as an actual meteorite that was discovered in Romania are both present at Dino Parc Râșnov. Seismosaurus, a massive 45-meter-long sauropod that used to cause a tiny earthquake with every step, can also be found here.

A moving platform that simulates three different types of earthquakes—one produced by the movement of tectonic plates, one caused by a herd of rushing Seismosaurus, and one caused by a volcanic eruption—as well as an interactive volcano that simulates an eruption can be found in the park.

The park is especially family-friendly and offers lots of opportunities for your children to explore dinosaurs, play, and take pictures with these fascinating animals. There are numerous informational stops along the path where youngsters can learn interesting dinosaur facts. Besides the dinosaurs, there are climbing trails and hanging tree houses where kids may draw or carve out dinosaurs.

A ticket for an adult is approx. 10 EUR, and  6.5 EUR for a kid. 

The program is:

Monday-Thursday: 10:00-17:00
Friday 10:00-17:30
Saturday 10:00-18:00
Sunday 10:00-17:30

Travel offers for Dino Parc Rasnov

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