Budesti Church, Ieud Church and Surdesti Church

Budesti  Church

The church of Saint Nicholas in the village of Budesti in the area of Maramures is an example of the distinctive wooden churches of Maramures with double eaves. One of Maramures's eight wooden churches that UNESCO has designated as a World Heritage Site. In 1643, the Budesti Church was built in honour of St. Nicholas and it was made completely of oak. A total of four smaller, Gothic-style towers surround the church's main tower, which rises 26 metres above the ground. Two seas outside the church represent the excessively raised internal space. The monument is impressive because of its size and close resemblance to the original structure in terms of both form and materials. The pronaus, the nave, and the altar are the three main structural components of the church. With the exception of some minor alterations that some of the mural paintings underwent in 1922, the inside has not experienced much change. In addition, the Budești church is home to numerous painted wooden icons from the 15th to the 17th century, as well as a sizable collection of painted glass icons.

Ieud Church

The Wooden Church of Ieud, described as one of the earliest wooden churches in Europe, was constructed in 1628 by a local noble family and is devoted to the Nativity of the Virgin. The Maramures Wooden Churches' distinctive architectural style may be seen in this small church, which the locals refer to as "the church on the hill." The late Gothic architectural style is unique for its tall tower. Unknown artisans created the breathtaking murals directly on the wood, and they are still in excellent condition today. The ancient manuscript of Ieud, which included a very old writing in the Romanian language, was discovered in 1921 beneath the roof of this church. 

Surdesti Church

Ion Macarie constructed the Church of Surdesti in 1766, which is devoted to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The church has a Greek-Catholic design and the location is in Surdesti village, Maramures County. The Surdesti Church is one of the tallest wooden structures in Romania and in all of Europe due to its wooden tower, which rises to a total height of 72 metres. A local artist painted religious scenes from the New and Old Testament in the interior of the building around 1783.The best example of this architectural style, which is specific to the Maramures region, can be found at this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All these churches are pretty close one to another and are worth to be seen in the same day for a rich cultural experience!

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